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We're Hiring: Check out our job openings!
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Creating an inclusive work environment is easy and a benefit to the community and your company. Benefits of hiring individuals with disabilities include but are not limited to:

  • Tax incentives at both the Federal and State level.
  • A Dependable employee with loyalty to your organization.
  • Positive experiences while providing an opportunity to a member of the community.

For more information and to schedule an opportunity for free consulting to see what it takes to make your business inclusive, call or email our Employment Services Manager:

Jennifer Roush
Employment Services Manager
(574) 753-4104

Browse the following videos for more information:

Peak’s Employment Services Team specializes in creating opportunities between candidates and potential employers. Job Coaches provide assistance with seeking, finding, and maintaining careers. Our Employment Team provide the tools and connections so individuals can discover their career goals, prepare for interviews, and succeed once on the job.

Getting Started:

  1. Contact your local Vocational Rehabilitation Office and let them know you are interested in employment services. You can refer yourself, or you can be referred by a family member, friend, or support person. All services are provided at no charge to you!
  2. Complete the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) application process to determine if you qualify. Watch this video for more information.
  3. Tell your VR counselor that you would like Peak Community Services as your employment services provider.
  4. VR will send us your information.
  5. You will be assigned an employment consultant who will work one on one with you. Watch our Video

Individual Planning and Services:

Depending on your needs and what Vocational Rehabilitation authorizes for you, we can support your professional growth through:

  • Benefit Analysis - Benefits analysis will allow you to plan your professional career while balancing income with existing benefits.
  • Job Readiness Training - Person specific training tailored to you, to help you reach your career goals.
  • Job Shadow - Observing jobs, in the community, while that specific job is being performed.
  • Situational Assessments - Hands on training, experiencing different aspects of employment to help find an appropriate job goal for you, while building on job skills.
  • Work Experience - Work Experiences are Employment Services version of an internship.
  • Resume and Application Help - Our team will help you construct a resume specific to your talents that will help you shine in the interview process. Our team will assist you with applications, both filled out in person and online.
  • Interview Skills - Through mock interviews and professional training, we can help you prepare for interviews specific to you job goal.
  • Job Development - Through on-the-job support and advocacy, our team will support you, specific to your needs, to help you succeed on the job. Our team can support you on the job by providing follow along services, attending meetings, and helping you through the training process associated with your new career.
  • Public Transportation Training - Public transportation training will give you the support needed to gain the confidence to utilize public transportation between home, the community, and work.

Landing the Job:

We seek to develop meaningful employment opportunities while helping you become a qualified candidate for competitive employment. Below are just a few examples of the community partners and employers we work with.

Continued Support:

After landing your job, Peak Community Services will continue to support you and your employer as you transition and adjust. Depending on your needs, support may include additional training, job coaching on or off site, adaptive technology and job accommodations, self-advocacy, and assistance with interpersonal and communication skills.

Service Locations

  • Logansport
  • Winamac
  • Knox
  • Kokomo


  • Community Based Work Service with local employers
  • Job Development
  • Job analysis and on-the-job evaluation
  • Recruitment and interview assistance
  • Job shadowing
  • Job placement and training assistance

To learn how to sign up for Employment Services or any other program at Peak Community Services, contact us!

Are you interested in getting real world experience to complement your degree?

Are you looking for a competitive wages from an employer that is flexible with your school schedule?

Do you need an employer who can give you the opportunity to build your professional résumé?

Explore and learn what new opportunities and careers are waiting for you!

Are you looking for full or part time work? Look no further than Peak Community Services! Be part of a dedicated team that makes life better. Work for a company that creates opportunities for your professional goals.

Learn about what careers we have waiting for you.